Mrs. Doubtfire

These sketches are meant to reflect
your desire to have it completely restored.

You look better than ever.
The lobby will resemble a music salon with
inspiration from the French Second Empire.

I was thinking a 17th-century grand piano...
I've been following your career
these past couple of years.

A tufted sofa, a Flemish tapestry,
a brass-bound Regency-style table...

I'd love to get reacquainted. Catch up.
Mantel clocks.
Fringed, upholstered chairs, heavy drapes.
Can we talk? Over dinner, maybe?
Stuart, thank you. I...
I'm at the beginning of a divorce.
It just didn't work out.
- Oh, Miranda, I'm sorry.
- You don't have to say that.

No, really. I mean, I never
held any grudges or anything. I just...

Well, I always hoped you'd find happiness.
Oh, God, that's so nice.
I was just worried my coming in here
might scare you off the project.

No, no. Of course not. I...
I'm a professional. I'm...
I was flattered thatyou thought of me
after all these years and everything.

Yeah, everything.
Well... Ancient history.
I'm late. I've got a meeting over at the bank.
Can we talk maybe later in the week?
- Sure.
- Good.

It's good to see you again.
