
I don't know what they want from you 'alf the time.
What they start off liking you for
they end up hatin' you for.
Don't like you if you're strong, don't like you if you're weak;
hate you if you're clever, hate you if you're stupid.
They don't know what they want.
D'you think that bastard's fucked off yet?
Yeah, he musta done by now.
Is this a stick-up?
- Sorry - you must get that all the time, yeah?
- Yeah

Just got it again.
So is this your job, or a nice little hobby you've got for yourself?
You're a lovely mover!
- This your van, yeah?
- Yeah

It's like, er, I dunno, top o' the range.
Very nice
Are you goin' up the road?
D'you wanna lift?
Is that all right with you?
It's just, I've been walkin' round the streets all night, you know what I mean?
These fuckin' feet are on their last legs, I'm telling you.
So, 'ow much d'you earn for doin' this?
It's none of your fuckin' business
