
You will come back?
Yeah, of course I will
Because I need...
You'll be all right, won't you?
Will I be all right, love?
I'm going to get the bath cleaned.
You all know what it does to you
and yet you still insist on doing it, so... do it.
Smoke yourself to...
Well, birds do it, bees do it.
..high heaven.
Can you tell me something, love?
Is it true that some babies are born covered in fur?
Thank you.
And you know at birth when they cut the umbilical cord?
What would happen if, well, if it was never cut?
I don't need this. I just...
Well it would be embarrassin', wouldn't it?
Specially at my age.
Why do you feel the need to take the piss?
I'm not takin' a piss.
It's nice, that -

Where it is from?
I don't know, it's something my dad...
Now you see,
Sophie just turned that to the wall, she's got
this kind of an irritating proclivity for negation -
I suppose she thinks it's progressive, or somethin'.
What is your problem?
Nothing. What is your problem?
All these silly questions and...
Well, look, I've never met a nurse before, and
I'm just interested in, well, in life.
I mean, d'you think it's worth savin'?
Of course I do. But there is a time and a place,
and actually this isn't the time or...
The place?
No. And this
is where I...
- and I'm not feeling very...
- Sexy?

Comfortable, actually. I'm not feeling very comfortable.
Well make yourself comfortable, love. Or slip into something more...
My bath!
