Needful Things

I'm from Pittsburgh.
So, why did you leave?
I was a cop there,
and I got tired of all the shit going down.

And one day I just lost it.
I hit this guy.
Way too hard.
I reckon he needed some killing.
But it was still wrong.
Of course it was.
Yeah. So I left, and now I'm here.
So am I.
- Reverend.
- Sheriff.

- Alan, thanks for coming!
- Afternoon, Father.

- Hi, Sheriff.
- I got this in the mail this morning.

"Listen up, you mackerel snapper. "
- Excuse me.
- "We've tried to reason with you...

"... but it's been no use.
We have put up with your Popish idolatry...

"... and even with your licentious worship
of the Babylon whore...

"... but now you've gone too far. "
"Babylon whore. "
I mean, saints preserve us.

"Heed our warning.
Give up your plan to turn this town...
