Needful Things

Rose! In the name of Christ, man,
beg for his mercy...

...'cause you'll get none from me.
Be struck down
by his almighty, swift sword!

- Stop it!
- Meehan, you godless heathen!

Rot in hell, Willie Rose!
Drop it! Father, stop it! You'll kill him.
Fuck you!
Goddamn it, stop it,
or I'll blow your fucking head off!

Now, there's an idea.
- Put the ax down now.
- Go to hell.

- Shoot him.
- Put it down!

- Fuck you!
- Kill him. Kill him.

Kill them all. Let God sort them out.
You wussy.
No more killing.
Not in Castle Rock!
Not me, not you, not anybody!

This shit stops now!
Listen to me.
All of you.
:46:23 here...
...Leland Gaunt...
We're waiting.
He came here to destroy us.
To make us destroy ourselves.
Can't you see what's happening here?
This is what he needs.

This is what he wants.
He's got us all lined up
like a bunch of human fuse boxes.

He hot wires Wilma Jerzyk to Nettie Cobb,
except he does it with wires...

...from two other fuse boxes:
Brian Rusk and whoever it was
that skinned the poor dog...
