
- Hello, Meghan.
- Uncle Andy.

-where's Dad?
- Fixing the snowblower.

It snows once in seven years,
and Dad buys a new snowblower.

- How are you?
- Today's a good day.

Meghan, you're doing a great job.
I've got to say hello to my sisters.

Put me down!
Parts of the trial
will be hard for you to hear, -

- about my personal life.
And there's going to be publicity.

- Do you want me to take her?
- No, she's fine.

I think it's great you're asking ...
but this is really your call.

Thanks, brother.
You're my kid brother.
That's all that matters, okay?

To be honest,
I'm worried about Mommy and Daddy.

They've been through so much, and
there are some tough times ahead.

Andy, the way that you've
handled this whole thing ...

... you and Miguel ...
with so much courage ...

There's nothing
that anybody could say -

- that could make us feel anything
but incredibly proud of you.
