Poetic Justice

Now if you listen closely
I'll tell you what I know

Storm clouds are aatherina
The wind is aonna blow

The race of man is sufferina
And I can hear the moan

'Cause nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone

We got the situation under control.
Just get out of here.
Let us do our job.

We got the situation under control.
Look at these. This one right here,
this is bad. Girl, that is to die f or.

Jessie's. We do hair.
He just did my girl all wrong.
She's scared as hell. I caught her
running around here wearing sunglasses.

And you know how she like bragging
about her green eyes.

Top it off, she's still
in love with the nigga.

What's love got to do with it?
You just telling everybody's business.
I'd tell your business too
if you had something to tell.

Hey, Heywood. Hey, Dex.
How you doing, Maxine?

Come on, girl. You ready?
You got your hair with you?

What you think this is?
-I know you ain't getting smart.
-Shut up, girl.

That's what I thought. Come on.
Sit your butt down.

-So, what's up?
-Nothing up.
