Poetic Justice

Need help?
You offer help
when all I got is one bag.

There you go.
Put that cigarette out.
I don't allow smoking in here.

Come on, Ma, I pay the bills here
and I can't have a cigarette?

Shut the f uck up
and put the cigarette out!

-You going up north to see Kalil?

I'm finally gonna work
on this music thing.

Somebody could listen to our tape.
I ain't got to do this post office shit.

Don't be cussing around me, boy.
Be glad you got an honest job.

Don't go to Oakland every weekend.
You know how Aunt Audrey can get.

Ma, it ain't even like that.
Keisha here.
-Really? How's my grandbaby doing?
-Bad as ever.

I want her to stay with us f or good.
Angel been f ucking up, bad.

Basing. I can't have my baby
around that sh... Stuff.

Now, are you gonna take care of her?
Just remember, that's your baby.
I'm done raising kids.

Quit playing video games and figure out
what you gonna do with your life.
