Poetic Justice

Mind if I smoke?
Guess not.
You kind of quiet, huh?
I guess so.
I ain't got nothing to say.
Why you so mean?
What you got to be so mean about?
So you one of them angry bitches.
A feminist.

-What'd you call me?
-Said you a mean bitch.

We gotta stop this right now.
You don't know shit about me.

Don't be calling me no bitch.
I've been acting courteous. Nigga gotta
call you a bitch to get your attention.

I'm a black woman, okay?
I deserve respect.

Don't be calling me no bitch.
If I'm a bitch, your mama's a bitch.

Save that " black woman" shit.
You bleed once a month like every hoe.

We ain't talking about my mama,
we talking about your stuck-up ass.

You think a nigga's supposed
to do magic tricks f or your ass.

-Pull this shit over right now.
-Where you gonna go?

I'll walk, motherf ucker.
Pull over.

Garb-ass bitch! Get your shit!
I'm tired of your mouth. Talking all
that shit. Walk your ass home!
