Point of No Return

What's it gonna be, yes or no?
I'm gonna have a few things that I'll need.
I'm gonna need some stuff.
I need some music.
Some good music.
I'm gonna want some Nina Simone.
Nina Simone.
Yeah, and....
I want some more pain killers.
My leg is fuckin' killing me.
Is that it?
I'll make a list.
You do that, Maggie.
Bet your fuckin' ass.
We're gonna start
with a simple program first.

This is just like a typewriter keyboard.
You got letters here...

...numbers here. Return, okay?
Tab.... Wait, wait, wait.
This is a mouse.
You use this to write with, draw, save....
Things like that.

See the roller? Roll that around
and watch the screen.

Good, good.
Wait, wait. Real easy, okay?
Real easy. Like that. Now move the arrow
down to where it says, "Play."

Right here, click once.
Pay attention, Maggie.
-Can we make the dinosaur eat him?
-You want to make the dinosaur eat him?
