Rising Sun

Here comes your ghost.
Eddie. Before they erased him.
- He's letting her get killed.
- He's seen this before.

The gasper routine.
Funny old world, eh?
I thought Eddie was the jealous lover.
A stronger passion overtook him.
His loyalty to his father's keiretsu.
They also wanted to purchase MicroCon.
Don't forget there's a keiretsu war going on.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Senator Morton.
Eddie probably offered her
to the Senator as form of hospitality.

So, Senator Morton killed her?
Wait till you see the rest of the disk.
We know they used this situation
to blackmail Senator Morton.

They pinned the murder on Eddie
by doctoring the disk.

- Why was Eddie protecting him?
- The Senator was voting in his favor.

This is about who would control MicroCon.
Whoever controlled the Senator
would control the fate of MicroCon.

This is the part of the disk
we never saw before.

There. You see that?
Yeah, the clock. It's moving.
No. The girl.
She's moving.
Holy shit.
She's alive.
She was alive, until...
Now, who the hell is this?
Someone who's been observing
and knows the exact location
of the hidden cameras.
