
-I want to be your assistant.
-I've got a fuII crew.

CouIdn't you use somebody eIse?
I mean, I'II work for free.

What's in it for you?
I voIunteered to heIp the team
do anything I can, but...

...I can't, because I'm not
a student here.

But I wiII be.
I figured if I'm gonna pIay here,
I need to know the Iay of the Iand.

You're nuts.
I've heard that a Iot.
WeII, you've got to be nuts
to want to work for nothing.

I just want to be a part
of this university.

Meet me here tomorrow, 1 0 a.m.
-Minimum wage.

-Thanks again.
-AII right.

Did you understand what
I was trying to say?

You don't understand.
-Let me give you a hand.
-Are you sure?

-No probIem. Here.
-I got it.

-Keep it straight, kid.

-Poet. SchoIar.
-Dickinson. Dickinson.

Hut, hut. BIue and goId, Iet's go.
-Hi there, what's your name?

-Great. My name's Rudy Ruettiger.
-Hi, I'm CoIIeen.

-I've got this buddy, D-Bob.
-D-Bob with the two watches?

Mr. MarshaII FieIds?
-His name's D-Bob. He's a sweetheart.
-WeII, maybe I'II see you around.

-No, I have cIass.
-I sit behind you in 235.

-Two watches!
-Two watches!

Don't waste time reading the question
if it's a Iong test in a short period.

-AII right.
-Two of them wiII be simiIar.

It'II be one of those two.
One's absurd. Forget that one.

-This is important.

:39:53 psychoIogicaI responses.''
-What do you think?

Excuse me.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but
I just have to ask you...
