
D-Bob was suspicious, so he made me go
to a Ianguage Iab to take these tests.

They said I had a sIight case
of dysIexia.

It's when the words get mixed up
in your head when you're reading.

I'm doing exercises to heIp me, and...
-...I got an A on a Iiterature test.
-That's great, kid.

Hey, do you Iive in here?
BeIieve it or not, got my own home.
That cot's for when
my sciatica acts up.

Okay, Iet's go to work.
See that hose on top of the Iocker?
Bring that with you.
So you're in student housing?
No, I'm Iiving with a friend in town.
Where in town?
-I haven't found a pIace to stay yet.
-Funds pretty Iow, huh?

AII my savings went for tuition.
I shower at HoIy Cross.
I'm aII right.

-So this is it, huh?
-This is where it starts and finishes.

''I've gotta go, Rock.
It's aII right. I'm not afraid.
Sometime, when the team's
in troubIe...
