
''We're gonna go inside.
We're gonna go outside.

We're gonna get them on the run.
We're gonna keep them on the run.

Then we're gonna go, go, go, go, go!
We won't stop untiI we're across
that goaI Iine.

This is a team they say is good.
WeII, I think we're better than them.

They can't Iick us.
What do you say, men?''
By the way, Gipper,
l got your gym card.

-Wait, we had a deaI.

-I do your Iaundry for two months.
-This was hard to get.

-It's gonna be a semester.
-Of doing your Iaundry?

-Come on, Iet me see.
-A semester.

AII right, fine.
Just Iet me see the card.

-Come on, that's impossibIe.
-It's your job to give it a shot.

She's out of our Ieague.
TeII her I'm a FieIds.
As in MarshaII FieIds. She'II know.
Just teII her that, pIease.

That Iooks great.
I think you'II reaIIy enjoy it.

Hi, are you interested in joining
a student activity?

Here's your choices.
Do you see that guy over there?
Over by the piIIar.

CouId you wave at him a IittIe bit?
Just kind of humor him.
