
"Men, before perishing
see with unwounded eye for once...

a gentle thing
fall from the sky."

- Oh, embarrassed, huh?
- No, I'm touched.

- Touched.
- Yes.

Touched... that's good.
That's about its level.

So you may ask when was I ever
in Madrid. The answer is never.

- Personal experience isn't everything.
- I disagree.

I think personal experience
is everything.

So reading is a waste of time?
No, it's not a waste of time,
but reading is safe, isn't it?

Books aren't about to hurt you.
- Why should one want to be hurt?
- That's when we learn.

Just because something hurts doesn't
make it more true or significant.

No, I guess not.
I'm not saying that pain is...
purposeless or even neutral,
but to find meaning in pain...

There has to be something else.
Pain is a tool.
- If you like, pain is God's...
- Megaphone to rouse a deaf world.

Oh, how embarrassing.
You know my writing too well,
don't you?

I have read most of it.
I guess I knew you pretty well
before we met.

But you'd not had
the personal experience.

Mr. Lewis, l...
I have to stop
calling you "Mr. Lewis."

It makes me feel like a kid.
Can I call you Jack?

Yes. Of course.
Jack, I'm Joy.
Well, hello, Joy.
So, Jack...
have you ever been really hurt?
