Six Degrees of Separation

Dad's not in till tomorrow at the Sherry.
I came down from Cambridge. I thought
I'd stay at some fleabag for adventure.

Orwell, Down and Out...
I don't really know New York. I know
Rome, Paris and Los Angeles a lot better.

Well, we're going out to dinner.
You'll come.

- Out to dinner?
- Out to dinner.

- The new ltalian looked cheery.
- Good. We've made reservations.

- They wrap up ravioli like saltwater taffy.
- Six on a plate for a few hundred dollars.

But why go out to dinner?
Because we have reservations. What time
is it? Have we lost the reservations?

There's nothing in the house. And it's 16th
century Florence, genius on every block.

- Don't mock.
- You must have something in the fridge.

A frozen steak from the lce Age.
But why spend $100 on a bowl of rice?
Let me into the kitchen.

Cooking calms me. And what I'd like to do
is calm down. Pay back your kids.

- Two at Harvard. A daughter at Groton.
- Who've been wonderful.

- They never mentioned you.
- What'd they say?

"We know the son of Sidney Poitier,
barrier-breaker of the '50s and '60s"?

Your father means
a great deal in South Africa.

I'm glad of that. Dad and I went
to Russia once, to a film festival.

He was amazed how much
his presence meant.

No, no. Tell us stories of movie stars
tying up their children, being cruel.

- I wish.
- You wish?

If I wanted to write a book about him, I
really can't. No one would want to read it.

He's decent, and I admire him.
Oh, he's married to an actress. She was
in... um... um... She's white. Am I right?

That's not my mother. It's his second wife.
He met Joanna making The Lost Man,

and left my mother, who'd stuck by him
in the lean years. I had just been born.

The Lost Man is the only film of my
father's I can't bring myself to see.

- I'm so sorry. We didn't mean...
- No, no, no.

We're all good friends now, his kids
from that marriage and us - the old kids.
