
That's not the plan.
- The plan was no good.
- Now, what?

We're changing directions.
Okay. l was given
very specific orders...

by the staff at the N.S.C.
First it indicated a chopper insertion,
which we won't get into.

But then we were supposed to head east,
you know? Due east?

You think Washington knows
the best way to get through this jungle?

You think they know which streams are
flooded, which trails are booby-trapped?

What l know about this place, son...
is because l'm here.
Changing directions.
Good. North.
Holy shit.
What the hell is that?
"Hotel Europa.'
What kind of wacko builds a hotel
in the jungle?

Sure is a hell of a lucky break for us.
l got ammo and he's laughing?
Ease up, young agent.
They've been with us
since we left the train.

lf you drop the hammer on him, we'll be
dead before we can take ten steps.
