Son in Law

[ French Accent ] You are a fresh
little girl. You will be my kitty.

Hey, come in here.
Come on. lt's okay.

Come on. Now l know this place.
First things first. Wardrobe.
Now you've got your weasel wear.
Crawl, l want her hair.
[ Both Laughing ]
[ Rebecca Groaning ]
[ Whooping ]
l beat you !
- [ Laughing ] Tattoos.
- Kravitz.

- What's up ?
- Come on.

Come on, bud-dy.
[ Needle Buzzing ]
- Ow !
- Oh !

- Does it hurt ?
- lt's better...

than a kick in the face
with a golf shoe.

So, Crawl, what do you think ?
lt's permanent.
- Crawl, l'm mingling.
- lt's up to you.

- [ Man ] Ow-ow. Hey.
- Okay.

So what l want
is something feminine.

He's standing right next to me.
You see that, huh ?
You see what happens ? The ink soaks...

in the system and the guy's freaked out.
Look at him ! What are you, you freak ?

- That's a good point.
- So ?

You pick it, l stick it.
? ln a perfect world ?
- ? lt would never end like this ??
- Hey, that is enough.

- Oh, l'm sorry.
- God !

You didn't like it ?
So what about yours ?
What's your family like ?

Sadie's a pit boss in Vegas.
She's on her fourth marriage.

- Fourth ? My God.
- To Frank.

Frank sells plastic catheters, bedpans,
