Tai ji zhang san feng

How are you?
Me? I think I like my old days better.
We were so carefree.
I'd be extremely happy
if I had a sweet bun.

Junbao, don't think of the past anymore.
Look at what's lying in front of you.
It's reality.
I'll fulfill my wish one day.

How do I ride this horse?
It's simple.
It's too fast.
I am the Lord of my own destiny!
The purpose of today's contest
is to choose...

the person with the best
martial arts skill to be the general.

Let's start.
Master, it's too easy for me.
So, whoever isn't convinced
can come up and challenge me.

Master, my name is Dong Tianbao.
May I learn from you?

My pleasure.
y es!
