Tao xue wei long zhi long guo ji nian

You are not my husband.
I haven't said I was you husband.
He is your husband.
I won't forgive him!
You just go fooling around,
that made you crazy!

Speak something.
What? I lost my memory.
She is your wife.
I didn't say yes.
You are couple anyway,
forget his mistake.

You, go and flatter her,
then it'd be alright.

I won't go home with him.
I come and see whether he is dead or not.
I have light memory that,
my wife is rather pretty.

She is pretty.
What do you think?
Although she is not pretty,
she is your wife.

I am sorry, police can't tell lies.
My wife is having nice body.
She has nice figure too.
My wife doesn't wear underwear.
I have just seen that
she hasn't worn the underwear.

I just guess...
Damn it, you are not crazy at all.
You have sharp tongue!
Well, go home now. Come on.
Are you telling me?
What kind of behaviour of you?
You reported of missing a husband,
you come and fool us
after your husband is found.

I'd better take you back to Shenzhen!
You know, we can lock you up
for few months without any trial.
What are you looking? You are impolite.
Look at me.
How long can he protect you?
In July 1997, I will arrest him too.
Who are you?
The security officer of China. So what?
You look familiar,
when did you go back to China?

I haven't!
You seem to be the commercial criminal
who stole money from government.
Pal, I want to take
them back to Shenzhen now.

Including him!
Don't be big mouth,
do you want to interrupt the peace?
I will arrest you,
don't you believe? Damn it!

I am sorry! Excuse me please.
Have you finished? Damn it.
I am sleepy.
Don't be big mouth.
Go home to sleep if you feel sleepy.
