Tao xue wei long zhi long guo ji nian

Small world!
The one I had also owns a florist shop.

The girl I am going to date tomorrow
is having one as well.

Which florist shop is it?
What, you want tojoin the queue?
Have you got your wife's permission?
Don't look at me!
You can do anything you like.

He wants to have fun too.
I couldn't care less.
I'm going to dance.
Stop fussing about my head.
I just want to know
how nice is that florist shop owner.
I don't know how to describe.
Anyway, she's got big eyes,
pointed nose, sexy lips,

a pair of nice tits,
- and...
- What's her name?

Damn! I just couldn't remember.
Ada? No.
Patty? No.
Cindy? No.
Anyway she's great on bed.
From the bed to the floor,
from the floor up to the bed,
from the bed to the kitchen...
She is so cheap!
It's really cheap.
Another thing, she said,
the boyfriend she's going to dump
is a police as well.

Where's she? I want her now!
Cool it!
We had a date,
she'll be here in a minute.

- Really?
- Sure.

Let me make up first.
Baby! Give me a kiss.
So cheap!
Baby! Give me a kiss.
