Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

We've got to do something!
Kurt Russell,
eat your heart out.

I think he's going to be OK.
Are you all right?
You scared me half to death.
Scared me half to death.
I can't believe you did that!
You're a hero!

He has no life in him!
What's going on?
Give him to me.
Let me take him, please.
Keep everyone back.
Stay back, everyone.
Give the guy some room.
- Give me some room.
- Give him some room!

Everybody get back.
No, wait.
Let him try.

No! He's casting an evil spell.
No, it's not an evil spell.
He's helping.

Keep back, everyone.
I need more time.

Help him out.
Come on, Leo. You can do it.
One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three...
