The Age of Innocence

They traveled to the expected places,
which May had never seen.

In London, Archer ordered his clothes.
They went to the National Gallery...

...and to the theater.
I hope I don't look ridiculous.
I've never dined out in London.

English women dress like
everyone else in the evening.

How can you say that when they're
at the theater in old ball dresses?

Maybe they save their
new dresses for home.

- Then I shouldn't have worn this.
- You look very fine.

Really, quite beautiful.
In Paris, she ordered her clothes.
There were trunks of dresses
from Worth.

They visited the Tuileries.
May's hands were modeled
in marble at Rochet's studio.

And occasionally, they dined out.
But tell me, you were saying you were
actually advised by Maupassant?

Unfortunately, I was advised
not to write.

Archer embraced his new marriage...
...even as he reverted
to his old ideas about matrimony.

It was less trouble
to conform with tradition.

There was no use trying
to emancipate a wife...

...who hadn't the dimmest notion
that she wasn't free.

In London we only managed
one day at the National.

We were taken up
by a Mrs. Carfry and Mrs. Harle.

We had a good talk.
He's interesting. We talked about
books and many different things.

I thought I'd invite him to dinner.
- The Frenchman?
- Yes.

I didn't have much chance to talk to
him, but wasn't he a little common?
