The Cement Garden

Where's all the cornflakes gone?
I said where's all the cornflakes gone?
We heard what you said.
Well? Who's eaten them away?
We all have, you included.
If you want some more,
you can buy them after school.

And while you're at it,
you can do the rest
of the shopping as well.

It's all down there
- and make sure you bring back mum's change
- I'm not fucking going.

You fucking are
or you'll fucking starve.

You know I think if Tom wants
to be a girl we should let him be one...

Hunt had always been a loner
and his thoughts and dreams
were not those of other men.

But now he was truly alone,
with only his faithful dog Cosmo
to share in his terror...

Anyhow, what's
wrong with being a girl?

Then they'd really
beat you up at school...

Ginger wouldn't. He only beats up boys.
Who's Ginger?
Oh, he's a mean kid.
He says he's gonna beat me up
one of these days.

Dunno. Just says he's gonna
bash my head in one of these days.

Oh yeah?
Uh-huh, he said so.
He's that one.
You lay one finger on my brother
and I'll rip your fucking legs off. Got it?
