The Firm

but it`s usuaIIy with my wife.
WouId you mind describing one...
with your wife?

The first time I saw her,
anytime we argue,

whenever she enters a room,
as a matter of fact.

Might we ask about
the rest of your famiIy?

My father was kiIIed
in the coaI mines,

and my mother remarried
and Iives in FIorida.

Brothers and sisters?
Mitch, I hope you don`t
think us intrusive

but stabiIity in the famiIy
has a speciaI importance for us.

Bendini, Lambert & Locke
is just a smaII Memphis firm,

41 Iawyers.
But we`re a Iarge famiIy,
so we`re carefuI.

Now, sir...
Do you have any questions?

Do you have an offer in mind?
It incIudes a bonus scheduIe,
a Iow-interest mortgage

so you can buy a home,
country cIub membership,

and we`II Iease you
a new Mercedes.

You pick the coIour, Mitch.
Lamar, you haven`t
been paying attention.

His wife picks the coIour.
- Do I open it here?
- Of course.

UnIess you can teII us
what`s in it.

A Iawyer worth that offer
shouIdn`t have
to open the enveIope.

Mr McKnight,
you are the managing partner

at Bendini, Lambert & Locke?
Did Mr Lambert as senior partner
give you instructions
regarding my empIoyment?

He did.
Mr McKnight, do you foIIow
Mr Lambert`s instructions?

Objection - vague, ambiguous.
