The Firm

I`ve been teaching in Boston
at a private schooI.

Do you work?
Not since I put Lamar
through Iaw schooI.

- But working isn`t forbidden.
- Forbidden?

- Working. By the firm.
- How couId it be forbidden?

It isn`t.
Anyway, two babies in 14 months,
was aII the work I couId handIe.

- You pIan to start a famiIy?
- Maybe in a few years.

- The firm encourages chiIdren.
- How do they do that?

- Hey. How about it?
- How about it!

OK. The ``Love Boat`` band,
the secret recipe ribs -

they`re a IittIe square, but...
I don`t mind square.
I Iike square. Weird, I mind.

What do you mean, weird?
Here`s a quote.
The firm doesn`t ``forbid`` me
to take a job,

and they ``encourage``
chiIdren. Ask me why.

Because they Iove kids.
Because chiIdren
promote stabiIity.

- Want to hear more?
- No. You`re right.

I`m just going
to throw myseIf over the raiI.

- My wiII is seIf-expIanatory.
- OK, OK, OK.

These are nice peopIe, Abby.
OK, I`m more impressed than
you are - you grew up with it.

6,000 a year here
is Iike 1%0 in New York.

Did you ever think
I`d make a six-figure saIary?

You did?
WeII...your foIks
are onIy a few hours away, too.

If we fight,
I don`t have far to drive?

She made two phone caIIs
from the hoteI...

one to her parents and one
to the Memphis schooI board.

She seemed a IittIe reIuctant.
