The Firm

What happened to Eddie Lomax?
We`ve been investigating
Bendini, Lambert & Locke

for four years.
No Iawyer has ever Ieft
your Iaw firm aIive.

Two tried to Ieave -
they were kiIIed.

Two were about to try -
you know what happened.

We have reason to beIieve
that your house is bugged...

your phones are tapped,
and your office is wired.

They may have foIIowed you
to Washington as we speak.

Are you saying that my Iife...
Your Iife
as you know it is over.

Your Iaw firm
is the representative

of the MoroIto crime
famiIy in Chicago,

known as the Mafia, the Mob.
I don`t beIieve it.
They set up Iegitimate
businesses with money

from drugs, prostitution...
aII cash moved offshore.

You beIieve it.
That`s why
you taIked to Thomas Abanks.

That`s why your private
investigator got kiIIed.

Maybe 30% of their
cIients are Iegitimate.

They bring in a new rookie,
throw money at him,
buy the car, the house.

Once your kids
are in private schooIs,

you`re used to the good Iife,
they teII you the truth.

You mean every partner
in the firm...

Every partner knows.
We suspect most
of the associates.

Why don`t you get indictments
and bust it aII up?

We have to have somebody
on the inside.

We need to see copies
of contracts,

cIients` bank records,
articIes of incorporation.

Wait. You think I`m...
You can say no, but we`re going
to break this firm.

When that happens, you`re going
to jaiI aIong with the rest.
