The Fugitive

Doc, we're looking for a prisoner
from that wreck. He might be hurt.

What does he look like?
Six-one, 180, brown hair,
brown eyes, beard.

Seen anyone like that around?
Every time I look in the mirror, pal.
Except for the beard, of course.
-I'll give you a hand.
-Thanks, Doc.

How is he doing?
Good, considering we dug him out
from under a train.

Tell those attending he's got a puncture
in the upper gastric area.

How could he tell that
by looking at his face?

Background just came in from Chicago.
About time. What've we got?
"Richard Davis Kimble, vascular surgeon."
What the hell is that?

Somebody that makes more money
than you.

"Convicted of first-degree murder of his

"Pleaded innocent."
Says a one-armed man did it.

Lots of friends.
Doctors, hospital staff.
We'll start there. I want phone taps.
First, his lawyer.

You'll never going to get that.
Call Judge Rubin.
Tell him I want phone taps.

Why'd you yell at me?
I'll tell him who if I'm in a good mood.
Why not yell at her sometimes?
We got a call from the hospital.
The wounded guard swears
he saw Kimble there.

That's hot.
And an ambulance is missing.
Where the hell is he going
in an ambulance?
