The Good Son

Well, all right,
but just not so rough, OK?

You two looked like you were
trying to kill each other.

Susan told me you were here.
I guess you forgot our appointment.
I just didn't feel like talking.
Talking helps.
It helped the last time, didn't it?

You're a doctor.
You know things.
Well, some things.
What do you think? What makes people evil?
Evil's a word people use when they've
given up trying to understand someone.

There's a reason for everything
if we could just find it.

What if there isn't a reason?
What if something just is?
Why, Mark? Do you think you're evil?
Cos you let your mother die?
You know that's not true.
What if there was this boy...
...and he did these terrible things
because he liked doing them?

Wouldn't you say he was evil?
I don't believe in evil.
You should.
Connie, come on! It's time for lunch.
- Evans' residence. Henry speaking.
- Hey, it's Uncle Jack.

- Oh. Hi, Uncle Jack.
- Is Mark around?

Mark? No. Mark's not here right now.
