The Remains of the Day

I was his butler.
I was there to serve him...

...not to agree or disagree.
You trusted him.
Yes, I did. Completely.
But at the end of his life, he himself
admitted that he'd been...mistaken.

That he'd been too gullible,
and he'd let himself be taken in.

I see.
Thank you, sir.
You've been most kind.

Just keep going straight up here,
and turn left at the first crossroads.

I say, I don't want to be a bore,
but I'm intrigued.

Where do you stand on all that?
If a mistake was to be made, wouldn't
you rather have made your own?

Forgive me for being so inquisitive.
Not at all, sir.
In a very small way,
I did make my own mistake.

But I might have a chance
to set mine right.

In fact, I'm on my way
to try and do so now.

Try the ignition.
Thank you, sir.
I'm most grateful for your help.

Good luck.
It's been interesting talking to you.

Good morning.
Lord Halifax was impressed
with the silver.

I told him it was all your doing.
Sent his compliments. Well done.
