The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

The cuts Were pretty bad but the fever's

For a While they thought
I might have rabies.

- Have they talked to you?
- Yes. I just got out of there.

- They think this is going to bloW over.
- It is over.

Over? Do you knoW What you found?
Jesus, Carter, look at me!
This could be an important discovery.
You saW this creature?

- Yeah. I saW it up close and personal.
- Right.

Do you knoW What I saW? Tunnels under
the graveyard. No dog made those.

- You think the creature did it?
- Exactly.

Do you have the book?
You should have turned it over to the police.
- No.
- What are you gonna do?

Study the Necronomicon,
then go back into those tunnels.

- Don't do that, Carter.
- HoWard, listen to me.

You Were lucky. The others Weren't.
This isn't a story any more.

This is pure fact. Think about it.
I don't Want to think about it.
Don't you understand?
For centuries people have ridiculed
Arkham for living in fear of this.

It doesn't matter any more. It's gone.
Perhaps. Maybe you're right.
It is gone. Get some rest.

I Wish I could.
I've been having these nightmares.

- Hm. I'll come back later today.
- OK.

You told the police
about the tunnels, didn't you? Carter?

He didn't tell them.
