The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

Hey, Carter! Open up.
Carter, did you hear about HoWard?

Hey, Carter, you in there?
- Hey, Carter, it's me - Barger.
- I've a lot of Work to do.

We're your friends. You're gonna
go squirly Working like this.

- I'm fine.
- Work, Work, Work.

Carter, it's Saturday
and We've got neWs for you.

I'm busy and I'd appreciate it if...
Carter, you've gotta get off
of this overachieving thing.

We're going to the union for breakfast.
Everybody is talking about What
happened at the old Winthrop place.

Hey, these used to be
the old housemaster's rooms.

- Yes. If you Wouldn't mind...
- I heard HoWard Was there.

Said he's torn up.
Yes. I saW him about an hour ago.
The radio said HoWard and five other
students Were attacked by Wild dogs.

- That isn't true.
- That's the story.

HoWard should be back in a day or so
and he can tell you about it then.

- Carter, are you studying physics?
- No. Why?

This stuff on the board here.
Hieroglyphics. I'm trying to translate them.
It's some kind of equation.
It's a formula for quantum mechanics.
This is heavy stuff for a folklore major.

Great. Let's go eat.
Radical slant.
I don't see hoW you got this figure.

Oh, I didn't.
What do you mean by "radical"?

This line is fine - it deals With time -
but this...
