The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

My dear chap, do you knoW What this is?
Have you any idea? Where did you find it?
In the Winthrop house.
This is the original Arabic text.
There hasn't been one of these extant
since the Cotton Mather one.

- And that disappeared in...
- 1688.

This, Professor, is the same copy.
I'd hate to calculate the fines due on it.

You're absolutely right. It is.
There are the missing pages.
Cotton Mather didn't even entrust
the university With the complete copy.

- Who did the annotations?
- Oh, probably Mather.

- I've no idea Who did the English.
- Joshua Winthrop?

Yes, possibly Winthrop.
He must have borroWed the book
and it Was never returned.

I believe Joshua Winthrop created the
creature of these legends using this book.

Yes, it is possible.
That's Why We have to go there.
We have to find this thing and prove it's real.

Wait a minute, Carter.
If this thing is alive,
it could be very dangerous.

Something happened
at the Winthrop house last night.

Four Miskatonic University students
Were killed.

They Were killed, I believe, by this creature.
Good heavens.
But it Would be most improper
to interfere With the police investigation.

- So We should turn this over to them?
- Are you mad?!

Have you any idea of the damage
that could result

if this book fell into the Wrong hands?
No, no, no. It must be locked up safe
in the university vaults

and kept aWay
from the prying eyes of the public.

It should be entrusted only in the hands
of scholars of...integrity and probity.

You are the most qualified scholar I knoW
