The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

Perfectly normal.
The coffins rot
and the bones shift in the soft soil.

- Seems to be getting more open.
- Yes.

You think that creature of yours
made these tunnels?

I don't see Why anyone else Would.
- What Was that?
- The creature, I think.

It's someWhere ahead.
I am questioning the sanity of this.
What an addenda to your oral history
if you prove the legends to be real.

- No one's ever done that before.
- Perhaps they didn't live to tell the tale.

All right, my boy. Scholarly vanity
triumphs over common sense.

- 'HoWard?'
- Yeah?

- 'HoWard?'
- OW!

- You scared the hell out of me.
- We're about 100 feet in.

The creature has been in here
and may be up ahead.

Don't get yourself killed.
'I'll check in every 15 or 20 minutes.'
Hopefully you'll be back by then.
It's getting creepy.

'Keep a stiff upper lip. Later.'
Well...there's the reason.
This must be Tanya's friend, Wendy
