The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

Vermont, Maine,
but not this far south, surely.

Carter? Carter, come here.
Something is doWn there.
Er...perhaps We should Wait.
If it's HoWard's creature, We can't Wait.
Up ahead. Close.
This must be HoWard's creature.
See Where the arm is healing
from the break and the cheek?

- Argh!
- She's healing fast.

Don't provoke her. I'm not sure
hoW strong those roots are.

If I'm right, they're more than roots.
I've got to look at this
under a microscope.

'HoWard. HoWard?'
It's good to hear your voice.
It's been an hour.

Found your creature alive and kicking.
It's trapped as in your dream.

Listen to me, Carter. Kill it.
That's What the old man in the dream said -
you have to kill it.

It's more than that. Remember the journal?
It might be Winthrop's daughter.

'l don't care. Just kill it!'
- Simultaneous life forms.
- I have to go. I'll stay in touch.

Carter? Carter?
They pass right through each other.
