The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

The human blood cells existing
With Whatever those grey cells are.

I suppose they're blood.
So it is possible.
This is quantum physics.
That's What Barger said it Was,
the glyphs in the book.

Right. NoW, if I've got this correctly,
What We've got here is tWo solid bodies
occupying the same space simultaneously.

The one human,
the dare not speculate.

That means they might be separated.
That Would involve
a huge expenditure of energy.

That is Why quantum physics
is a theoretical subject.

What about the book?
I can't believe that Winthrop and the
mad Arab kneW What they Were doing.

Besides, Alhazred copied this
from an earlier source.

There are several pages missing anyway.
What if Winthrop didn't do it?
Perhaps the creature has the ability.

That's an interesting idea.
What if it has the ability
to move its oWn atoms and electrons?

So it can enter another creature.
Then it might be possible
to induce it to move out.

- What's this?
- That, my dear felloW, is insulin.

NoW, We inject the human body With insulin.
The creature thinks something
is Wrong With it, so it moves out.

- We don't Want to kill it.
- No.

But What is the natural antidote
for an excess of insulin?

We must keep her still.
I don't Want to break the needle.
