The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

I have to speak to the professor.
It's an emergency.

She Wouldn't Wear anything practical,
but at least she's decent.

That's rather becoming.
It's becoming later.
He'll meet us at the clinic. Professor
Thurber's ansWering machine Was on,

but We can sWing by there on the Way.
- Right. Jack, you coming?
- Er... Good luck.

- What's going on?
- Nothing.

First floor. Men's apparel.
Protective gear.

Life insurance.
Carter, Where did you find her?
Relax. It's OK. It isn't dangerous. Really.
I'll get Professor Thurber.
You take Alyda to the clinic.

Maybe I should get him.
She Won't be separated from you.

I don't knoW Why she goes for you,
you lucky dog.

Why shouldn't she?
You knoW Where Thurber lives?

- Yeah.
- Meet you at the clinic.

Why are they going to see Professor

Look, Carter thinks that that girl
is 300 years old, OK?

And Why aren't We going With them?
Because... She had something to do
With Joel Manton's death.
