The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph Carter

Alyda comes.
Here? NoW?
Carter, please.
I don't see anything.
HoW do you knoW?
I stay...With Carter.
Alyda, you can't stay With me.
You need professionals to care for you
and that thing, I can't stop it.

I stay...With you, Carter.
I...Iove you.
You don't understand.
Alyda, you're very special
and you're very beautiful, but l...

I have to turn you over to people Who can
help you understand What's happened.

Alyda, if this Weren't the Wrong place
and the Wrong time...

What is it?
Carter, Barger? Anyone here?
In here, Professor Mendez!
Don't Worry. It's a friend.
Stay here. It's a friend.

There you are.
I have found something Wonderful. You don't
knoW hoW happy I am to see you...
