Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould

for a year and a half.
lt's a program about the Mennonites
called "Quiet in the Land"...

and that's the ultimate
in community isolation.

So next l want to do a comedy
about an isolated man...

because l'm sick and tired
of all these profound statements.

Well radio itself is
a solitary experience.

Why does it interest you as a medium?
l'd like to deal with this
as sensibly as l can.

lt's a big question.
lt's an important question.

l don't know
what the effective ratio would be...

but l've always had
a sort of intuition...

that for every hour you spend
with other human beings...

you need X number of hours alone.
Now what that X represents
l don't really know--

whether it be two and seven-eighths
or seven and two-eighths--

but it's a substantial ratio.
Radio is something that's been
very close to me since l was a child...

something l listen to
virtually nonstop.

l mean it's wallpaper for me.
l sleep with the radio on
in fact.

Now l'm incapable of sleeping
without the radio on...

ever since l gave up Nembutal.
Does it affect your dreams?
Sure insofar as if there are
broadcasts on the hour...

l will pick up the bulletins
and dream them...

and in the morning if there's
a boat that's just gone down...

l'll think "Gee that was on odd dream
about the Titanic l had last night."

And l will have
of course gone through it.

Maybe your feelings about solitude
come from your Nordic temperament.

l think that's certainly part of it.
lt's always been an ambition of mine...

which l'll probably
never get around to realizing...

to spend at least one winter
north of the Arctic Circle.

Anyone can go there in the summer
when the sun is up...

but l want to go there
when the sun is down l really do...

and so help me
l'm going to do it one of these times.

l've been saying this
for five or six years now...

and every year
the schedule gets in the way.

Well l hope you do.
Thank you very much Mr. Gould.
