
Newcomers, eh?
The name's John Behan,
Cochise County Sheriff.

- Just in town?
- Just this minute.

- I'm Wyatt Earp, and these are
my brothers, Virgil and Morgan.
- Wyatt Earp. Dodge City.

Gave all that up, Sheriff.
Goin' into business.

- Don't even carry a gun anymore.
- Going into business, huh?

Well then, I'm the man to see.
Besides sheriff,
I'm also tax collector,

Captain of the Fire Brigade and Chairman
of the Nonpartisan Anti-Chinese League.

- Ma'am.
- How do you do?

Yeah, a man of many parts.
- Say, you folks got
a place to stay yet?
- No.

- Like I said, we just got here.
- Well, I also sit on
the town lot commission.

As a matter of fact, we got three
lovely cottages coming up for rent.

I'll throw in a good cleaning,
no charge.

Believe me, Mr. Earp,
you're not gonna find a better deal
within town limits.

I don't know,
sounds pretty good.

- Well, I'll have my man show 'em to ya.
- Thank you.

Hey, Wyatt,
get on over here.

I want you to meet Fred White.
He's the town marshall.

- My pleasure.
- Lotta law around here.

- I already met the county sheriff.
- Who, Behan?

He ain't no law. The only real law
around here is the Cowboys.

Cowboys? I had a run-in
with a couple of them up in Prescott.

Nobody does nothin' without 'em.
I mean, they're it.

There are three of 'em
right over there.

You can always spot a Cowboy.
They always wear those red sashes.

- The main fact is the Cowboys
are good for business.
- 'Bout all these saloons?

Oh, that's the real mother lode
here in Tombstone.

All up and down
Allen Street here.

Twenty-four hours a day,
you got liquor, hostesses, gamblin';
