
Am I happy? Well, I don't know.
I'm happy as the next man, I guess.

I don't laugh all day long like
an idiot, if that's what you mean.

- Touchy about it, aren't you?
- No, I'm not touchy. I'm just...

It's a silly question, is all.
'Am I happy? Are you happy? '
Are you happy?

Oh, I'm always happy,
unless I'm bored.

That blonde woman,
is that your wife?

What about her?
Nothing. What do you
want out of life?

- How do you get these questions?
- Just answer.

I don't know!
Make some money, I guess.

- Maybe... have some children.
- Doesn't suit you.

- Well, how would you know?
- It just doesn't, that's all.

I oughta know my own mind,
and I'm telling you what
suits me is a family and kids.

Suits me right down to the ground.
In fact, that's my idea of heaven.

- All right, what's
your idea of heaven?
- Room service.

Oh, he's laughing again.
Well, that's what I want.

I wanna move and go places
and never look back.

Just have fun, forever.
That's my idea of heaven.
Need someone to share it with, though.

You mean Behan.
Well, then...
Why are you with him?
Because he's handsome
and he's charming and...

He's all right.
For now.

Oh, I know, don't say it,
I'm rotten.

I've tried to be good.
It's just so boring.

The way you talk.
Never heard a woman
talk like that?

I don't have time to be proper.
I wanna live.

I'm a woman.
I like men.

If that means I'm not ladylike,
then I guess I'm just not a lady.
