Warlock: The Armageddon

There is no hope in chaos,
only in order.

Nice speech, buddy. But I've got
enough freaks in this side-show.

I seek no employment...
I've come for the stone.
You're a buyer?
A buyer...
Well, why didn't you say so?
Now, you do mean that rare
piece of Egyptian antiquity?

That is a very valuable
and expensive item.

It has great emotional and
material value.

How much?
Oh, I'd say at least...
at least a hundred dollars.
- What?
- Seventy-five.

It's worth a thousand times that,
you cretinous fool.

Do not sell to him the stone...
he is evil.

The devil of Armageddon.
You really are a psychic.
Very good.
Very bad.

Now, where were we?
(ominous laughter)
I'm here...
I'm everywhere.

(laughing continues)
Give me the stone.
