Above the Rim

unless it was good
for the both of us.

The both of us.
Just think about it, all right?
What's this for?
Just a little incentive.
Birdie, I can't take
your money, man.

Come on, man.
You're embarrassing me.

You're a guest.
Everything in here costs.

Look at her.
She wants you, man.

Go ask her for a dance.
Ask her for more than that.
Tell her I sent you.

Yeah, all right, Birdie.
Thanks, man.

All right.
Send me a bottle of champagne
over to my table.

Watch out, girl.
What's up?

Kyle Watson at point?
I got too much money
on this game to be fucking around.

Come on.
Get off me.
Get off me!

Yeah, remember that one?
Get off me!
What you got there, huh?
Over here... over there!
Get off of me!
Come on, come on.
Get your hands off me.
Get off of me.
Come get this.
Come on.

