
ls that right? So you're gonna tell me
that ''Purple Haze'' says something?

Hey, lan, man, wait till
you hear our stuff. We kick ass.

Swell. Yeah, l can't wait
to hear your brilliant song.

Beats the shit out of the fruity music
you listen to, tough guy.

He's got himself a whole crate of
Kenny G CDs and you're talking trash?

A crate of CDs?
He's got a stockpile of easy-listening
shit-shingles in his office.

You don't even listen to music. What
are you doing with a whole crate of CDs?

Those are free promos.
l use 'em as stocking stuffers.

lt's the middle of July!
Aloha out there in radio land.
This is Oedipus Rex on WKPP-Rex,

comin' at ya, smooth-talking DJ terrorist.
These guys rule.
You're gonna hear some new shit.

There's a box of that crap right there.
Yeah, dude.
Blonde, wearing something tight and black.
Great. Grand. Wonderful.
