Akumulator 1

You're not exhausted.
You don't need to rest.

You see, it works!
Up you get!
I'm not going to kill myself
to get better!

Want to go riding?
-Not really.
-Aha, I understand.

-Is it allowed?
-Off course, sex is healthy.

-D'you have a girlfriend?
-I haven't had one for a while.

-What d'you do in the evenings?
-Watch television.

Problems in bed?
No, I'm used to watching in bed,
with a good pillow...

-I mean sex.
-I watch that, too.

-TV means more to you, eh?
-You can't compare it.

-Do I take my shorts off?
-Yes, it's private.

Tantric love-making techniques
recommend that a woman

approaching orgasm places
her tongue on her palate.

So that her partner can receive
her post-orgasmic saliva.

This enables the lovers' energy
to circulate.

Their bodies are joined
above and below.
