Arizona Dream

When I was 11, I got this really weird
earache that wouldn't go away.

A hundred doctors couldn't help me...
So Leo went into Mexico,
and brought back this fat lady
witch doctor who fixed me right up.

I was grateful, but I thought
I might've been better off mute.

All in all,
I had a very happy childhood.

My dad, a border guard, spent his life
trying to stop people crossing lines.

For 15 years, he'd smooth down
the road between Mexico and Arizona,

and every morning he'd be out there
looking for footprints in the dirt.

But my father always said that work
was like a hat you put on your head.

And even without pants, you didn't
have to be ashamed of your ass.

One thing I was sure about:
The moment my parents died,
my childhood was gone forever.

Leo could never shake the guilt
of my parents' death 6 years ago.

Leo was driving the car that night.
It got so bad that he even felt guilty
if he used too much shaving cream.

Four days after the funeral,
I caught a train to New York City.

If somebody asked me why I don't
take the next train back to New York,

it's because you can't say no
to your childhood hero.

I decided to be his best man,
but one thing I was sure of:

No matter how much I loved
the smell of cheap cologne,

I was never going to become my uncle,
and I would never sell Cadillacs.

Axel, if I died tomorrow,
where would you be?

You're not gonna die tomorrow.
