Arizona Dream

I think he saw it in a movie,
and convinced himself it was true.

That's how Paul escaped.
And that's just what he did
the next day.

I never paid much attention
to Paul's garbage theories.

But then I realized he was right.
I felt the proteins running through
my body like broken glass.

I tried to keep the proteins busy
by making flying machines.

I've never built
a flying machine before.

The proteins
were making things fly in my head.

The more I worked on it,
the more I was sure it would fly.

I just kept telling myself:
It's gonna fly.

Love hit me like an elephant,
and I was thrown
into a jungle of dreams.

Mother was wrong about magnetic pulls.
There was only one pull,

and she was lying on my back.
I wasn't "falling in love,"
because I never felt any weight,

because I was "flying in love,"
for the first time in my life.
