Blue Chips

Chop off the bottom eight names
on your list. They are irrelevant.

The top two guys
are the ones you want.

Okay. that's Butch McRae.
- Chicago?
- Yeah. he's from St. Joseph's.

And Ricky. Ricky Roe.
We got him there.

- 6'8'' power forward.
- Butch and Ricky show.

You get those two guys.
you are in the Final Four next year.

What do you think. guys?
He looks pretty good. huh. Tark?

He's a great player. but l don't think
we can get him in academically.

- You don't think so?
- l don't think so.

- What do you think. Jim?
- l don't think he can play for you.

- You don't?
- Too many bad shots.

- Can he play for you?
- Well. maybe.

Yeah. that's what l figured.
- His mother's a pain in the ass.
- Yeah. his mother's a pain in the ass.

What has he got?
He's got 2 7 points now?
