Bullets Over Broadway

[ David ] September 17.
The first week is behind me now...

and apart from a few minor incidents,
things seemed to go okay.

There was that moment
between Helen and Eden.

I can't do that speech if she's
going to be fidgeting around upstage!

- Well, that's why I think
I should sit. I'll sit.
- Oh, God!

Sylvia would never ask her to sit
in her own house. She despises her!

She doesn't want me to sit. She doesn't
want me to stand. I guess I could squat.

David, do you realize you're asking an
audience to believe that my husband...

would leave me
for this woman?

- Come along.
- Excuse me. Excuse me, but
I think it's made very clear...

in the speech about erotic attraction,
why he does that.

You fool! He's thinking of me
when he does that speech.
Don't you know anything?

- Only the part about the liver spots.
- Listen.

How long has it been since
you've had a real hemorrhage?

David, I wonder if now would be a moment
to do my soliloquy from Act ll?

- [ Crying ] Did you hear what she--
- Please. Aspirin!

[ David ] All right, yes, why don't we?
And, Eden, just take five.

- I need an aspirin!
- [ Crying Continues ]

[ David ]

[ David ] Then there was the time when
I tried to cut one of Olive's speeches.

- I like that speech,
and I already got it memorized.
- But it's superfluous.

- It's-- What is it?
- Well, I've overwritten it.

We know how you feel
about Sylvia's breakdown when
you talk with the good doctor.

So it's my fault.
Um, the performance is fine.

But, um...
I like to say it.

- We-- We don't need it.
- Hey!

Are you tryin' to make
my part smaller?

- No, no, every--
- My part's small enough as it is!

Every play needs some cuts, and the size
of the role is not the important thing.

Did you hear what she said? She doesn't
want her speech taken away from her!

- Look, look, Mr. Cheech, I've about--
- I'd rather be shootin' crap myself...

but Mr. V. told me that she's gotta
be up there a lot!

- I wrote this play,
and I'm directing this play!
- I don't care.

You wanna get slapped here or do
you want me to take you outside
and we'll straighten this out?

It's up to you.
