Bullets Over Broadway

You think about that.
And you, don't interrupt me no more.

I'm sorry.
So how come you had so much
to say to that Valenti goon?

No, nothing. I was just
thanking him for his ideas.

- What ideas? He only had
the one suggestion, didn't he?
- Yeah.

- That was just it.
- So do you like your wallet?

- What?
- The wallet.

- Oh, yes, yes, it's terrific.
- Are you sure?

Oh, it's very exciting. I love
leatherette. Always have loved it.

Boy, are you loaded.
- Yeah.
- Happy birthday.

[ David ] September 24. I gave the cast
the rewrites. Everyone seemed pleased.

- [ Helen ] These are brilliant! Oh!
- [ Warner ] They are.

Now Sylvia's
not so passive.

She uses her wiles to trap
the Lieutenant, and that's
what causes her guilt!

[ Warner ] The whole thing is motivated.
It drives on. Wonderful.

- [ Olive ] You mean I gotta
memorize all new lines?
- [ Helen ] They're wonderful!

- How did you come up
with such divine changes?
- They're not really mine--

- Oh, no? Whose are they, God's?
- [ Laughing ]

- Well, they are mine
in the sense that they're mine--
- Your modesty becomes you.

But let's face it;
you are a major talent.

A major new voice
in the theater.

The word genius gets thrown around
so frequently in this business...

- but, darling, if the shoe fits--
- Congratulations.

- It finally has balls.
- Now, if we can do something
about Act Ill...

we got a big, fat hit
on our hands.

- [ Warner ] Three cheers
for the writer! Hip-hip--
- [ Cast ] Hooray!

[ David ] I stayed up all night
working on the third act.

I admit it came rather hard...
and before I handed in the pages,
I sent them over to Cheech to read.

He suggested I come down
to his office.

- You missed the idea.
- I did?

Yeah, you did.
Plus, nobody talks like that.

- You got that problem.
You don't write like people talk.
- I take poetic license.

Poetic license, bullshit.
People believe what they see
when the actors sound real.
